To carry out effective

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To carry out effective

Post by whatsapp1 »

competitive intelligence , you must already identify your competitors on the market. Then you can do keyword research on search engines to see which competitors are positioned there.

Develop a quality content strategy that speaks to your customers
Content is the success factor of SEO !

It is thanks to a good content strategy that you will Mauritius Email List be able to disseminate your expertise on all the communication channels you have such as your website, blog, newsletters , social networks or even prospecting emails .

You absolutely must create good, quality content which must answer visitors' questions and issues at each stage of their purchasing journey, and which must also “please” search engines to successfully optimize your SEO. Even if, let's make no mistake, you write for readers above all.


Adopt a keyword strategy
With the help of keyword software like SEMrush with its Keyword Magic Tool function or using the Google Keyword Planner , you can find relevant keywords or groups of related keywords (we speak of semantic cocoons) that would search your customers as queries on search engines.

It is important that you position yourself on keywords with a high volume but with a low Keyword Difficulty so that it is easier for you to be well referenced.
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