Netlinking: what future for this pillar of SEO?

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Netlinking: what future for this pillar of SEO?

Post by muniamun »

At a time of big changes on Google's side with the upcoming arrival of the Generative Search Experience powered by generative AI, but also with the Core Updates which follow one another, a question arises: what is the future netlinking?

Let's be clear, it is not the intention in this article to advocate or not for netlinking, but just to ask the question that many of us are asking ourselves: what place should we give to netlinking in our SEO strategy with regard to developments and trends in search engines and their algorithms?

What is netlinking?
Netlinking is a technique specific to SEO allowing you to acquire links pointing to your own site (called “ Backlinks ”) from other sites or resources. Also called Link building , the goal of netlinking is to improve your organic visibility on search engines by demonstrating your usefulness, authority and popularity.

Generally speaking in SEO, the “mesh” brings together both external links (what we call Backlinks) and internal links, which concerns the links between the different pages of your site.

In this article, we will focus on external links , given that the Haiti Email List usefulness of internal links is no longer in doubt, both in SEO but also in terms of user experience, tree structure and navigability.

Backlinks Schema


Do Follow or No Follow: a concept to master
For each link, whether incoming or outgoing, internal orng attribute.

The attribute is an HTML coding complement in the form rel=”attribute” that is associated with the destination URL in the code of an external link, for example:

The attribute is an instruction given to the various search engine robots allowing you to specify whether or not you wish to take the link into account when calculating the “popularity” of a site:

The nofollow attribute tells the engine to ignore the link and therefore not transmit “SEO juice”. The link is therefore almost “ineffective” for your Netlinking strategy.
The dofollow attribute tells the engine to follow the link and therefore transmit “SEO juice”. The link is “effective” for your Netlinking strategy.
Summarized like this, we could say that we only need dofollow links... except that in a logic of diversification of links , we need both. This is especially true because if your site ONLY has dofollow backlinks, it becomes suspect in the eyes of search engine robots!

Why is netlinking essential to your SEO strategy?
On Google's side, a fairly simple rule consists of considering that, if a site or content is useful, then other sites talk about it and highlight it via links. Benefiting from Backlinks allows you to define “popularity” . Clearly, if other sites trust your site (or your content), it is because it is popular on a specific theme. The more quality Backlinks the sites have, the more authoritative they are on a domain.

Complementary to the technical aspect, oriented towards indexing and to the content strategy, oriented towards semantics, netlinking makes it possible to complete the SEO strategy by the search for authority and popularity.
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