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With this information

Post by emaildata »

The future of SEO will be a matter of getting search engines to accurately identify entities (Mr. Sumi) Building and Strengthening Entities The steps for an entity to be recognized by Google are as follows: Google recognizes references to the entity. (Listing in Wikipedia and bibliographic databases is powerful) Google acknowledges the existence of this entity. (Knowledge Graph *not necessarily shown) Importance is identified by the quality and quantity of third-party mentions. (EEAT is supported and proven by the quality and quantity of earned media) *Information panels related to search terms, displayed separately from Google search results.

Mr. Kok argued that in order to obtain free media Marshall Islands Email List for an established entity, "the president himself," rather than the corporate organization or individual employees, should be the trusted author. By using the president's personal name, personal account, and personal blog, you can prove your authority and credibility through earned media. To do this, when disseminating information, add a byline to make it clear who the author is. Google's Search Quality Rating Guidelines include the following examples of high-quality attribution: Google Search Quality Rating Guidelines Write your name, area of ​​expertise, contact information, etc. so third parties can see it.


With this information, both Google and readers can check the author’s credibility and understand if they are a reliable writer in their field. For the woman in question, news and media search results will appear when you search for her name and area of ​​expertise, showing you that she is a trustworthy person in the earned media. Working outside the company and increasing earned media will strengthen EEAT and increase its credibility. All the president has to do is spread the message to the best of his ability, strengthen individuals and corporate entities, and gain the recognition and trust of third parties.
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