The King of Chance This Channel 电话号码清单 Random Weekend Projects, Experiments, and Life Hacks.

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The King of Chance This Channel 电话号码清单 Random Weekend Projects, Experiments, and Life Hacks.

Post by weesue341 »

These DIY/mad science videos are 电话号码清单 produced and range from helpful to entertaining. You'll find tips on how to improve cell phone reception, a way to make self-freezing soda, and survival tips, like how to start a fire with a sandwich bag. New videos drop at 5 p.m. ET every Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Subscribe to this channel if… you find endless fascination in the randomness of life and are eager to try new things. 4. Linus Tech Tips This channel is a great place to learn more about technology. Beginners should start with the As Quick As Possible playlist, which includes short videos explaining technology and basic terms. For example, you can learn 电话号码清单 about TCP/IP, CPU cache, or how fitness trackers work. If you're looking for a new PC, the Build Guides, Buyer's Guides, and Ultimate Guides playlists will show you what to look for and how to build your own PC.

Subscribe to this 电话号码清单 if… you enjoy fun and 电话号码清单 technology videos. 5. Tech Geeks Try Stuff This channel shows a bunch of geeks facing various 电话号码清单 . In Season 1, they tried foods from around the world, including space foods and sour candies. And in Season 2, they tried to solve tech trivia, while blind-testing brands of 电话号码清单 , pizza, and ice cream. Related: 5 Awesome Animoto Alternatives That Will Help You 电话号码清单 Smooth Welcome Videos Disclaimer: Tech Geeks Try Stuff is an I/O Means channel. Subscribe to this channel if… you're looking for a good laugh or to feel closer to the team behind your favorite website. 6. Music Talent Now At first glance, this channel seems amateurish. But when you realize it's racked up over 4 billion views, you know it's a case of fake first impressions. Music 电话号码清单 features short excerpts from various international TV shows, such as American Idol or Britain's Got Talent.

If you don't have the time or patience to sit through these shows, here's a 电话号码清单 to catch only the best performances and see what everyone's talking about. 电话号码清单 YouTube channels include Top Talent and X Factor Global . Subscribe to this channel if… you want to keep up with popular TV culture without consuming too much of it. 7. Chills You won't forget the monotonous voice of this Canadian dude. Once you've 电话号码清单 the spookiest things captured on the dashcam, heard the spooky stories from the dark web, and seen the mysterious giant creatures, it might even 电话号码清单 back to haunt you in your sleep. However, the majority of these YouTube videos won't keep you up at night (unless you can't stop watching). They are only slightly scary and mostly entertaining. The maker of Chills also narrates the Top15s videos , which are less scary, but also worth watching. Subscribe to this channel if… you are oddly drawn to weird and scary things to watch.
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