To determine how high-quality traffic a business

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To determine how high-quality traffic a business

Post by whatappnumber12 »

The indicators of " clicks " and " sessions " may not coincide, because in the first case, the system records the total number. For example, if one person clicked on an ad 5 times, there would be five clicks, while a session would be one. receives from advertisements, you need to pay attention to: on the average duration of the session — reflects the average time visitors stay on the site; per session - Shows how many web pages users view in a single visit. Metrics are displayed in Google Analytics.

CRV is a share of advertising costs The share of advertising expenses (CRR — Cost Montenegro Email List Ratio) is the ratio of advertising expenses and the profit received from it. The metric shows what percentage of revenue is spent on promotion. Determination formula: advertising costs / advertising revenue * 100%. For example, UAH 8,000 (expenses) / UAH 30,000 (profit) * 100% = 26% — CRV. If the indicator is growing, but the income is not, it is worth revising the promotion strategy. Analysis of advertising costs Post-click conversions Post-click conversions are " delayed " targeted actions taken by a user who came from an ad.


For example, for an online store, a completed order is considered a conversion. The user clicked on the ad, went to the product card, viewed the characteristics and left the site. A few days later I visited it again and made a purchase. In this case, its action is a post-click conversion. The metric is recorded in Google Analytics if no more than 90 days have passed between the visit to the site and the conversion. Post-view conversions View-through conversions from ads. For example, a user saw an ad for sneakers, but did not click on the ad.
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