For each piece of content,

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For each piece of content,

Post by orthy913 »

For each piece of content, calculate the time difference between content update and crawl. What is meaningful measurement? What I particularly like about the URL Inspection API is that you can repeatedly inspect a URL and notice when its indexing (the next stage of crawling) status changes. This information can also be used to calculate an indexing effectiveness score. If you publish content for the first time or publish updates, how long does it take for Google to index your page ? The reason why you care about indexing is because if your site is crawled but not indexed, it has no value at all.

And if you do the actual time calculations, you'll find Marshall Islands Email List that the time between creating or updating a URL and Googlebot crawling it can be within minutes, or it could be hours, days, or weeks. What if it takes a long time to get crawled? What to do if it takes a long time for your site to be crawled? Search engines and their partners have been talking a lot over the last few years about ways to help us SEOs crawl more efficiently -- after all, it's in the search engines' best interest: crawling more effectively means they can more quickly retrieve valuable content and present it to their audience of searchers.


Crawls also place a heavy burden on our servers, so making crawls more efficient is also a good environmental initiative. This is because inefficient crawling puts a load on servers and generates large amounts of greenhouse gases. Therefore, by crawling more efficiently, they can also contribute to environmental protection. This point also motivates us to take an interest in the crawl problem. That's why search engines and their partners are putting so much effort into making their APIs available to the public.Is citing sources effective in increasing Google's EEAT? Stanford University also says [SEO information summary] SEO expert Sumitayo explains that ``specifying the information source'' is effective in improving the quality of content.
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