Google Analytics 4 (demographics) Internal customer

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Google Analytics 4 (demographics) Internal customer

Post by PNDatabase2024 »

That’s why it’s so important to know where your target audience is discovering brands like yours, so you know what type of content you have to create. For example, if you run a local business, many customers will probably discover you through the Local Pack / Google Maps results: Google Business Profile That’s why it’s important to prioritise your Google Business Profile, which is the most important ranking factor for this section of the SERPs. In a nutshell: Don’t just go down the list and try to optimise everything. Think about what areas need to be your priorities. If you’re not sure which approach is right for your business, take a look at this previous article exploring SEO strategies for different types of small businesses.

Know Your Audience If SEO is about bringing the right kind of visitors to your website, you have to know who you’re targeting. This starts with audience research: who they are, what they’re looking for, and where they go Macau Email List to find it. Imagine a B2B software company putting most of its SEO budget into blog posts and affiliate articles. This is great, but what if its biggest target audience is discovering most new products on LinkedIn and YouTube before they even turn to Google? By not knowing its target audiences, this company is missing out on a lot of leads, many of whom are probably discovering rival products on their favourite platforms. To truly understand your target audience(s), combine data from all the relevant sources you can.


This will likely include: data Customer feedback, surveys Social media audiences Consumer surveys, studies, etc. Competitor audience analysis If you’re also running PPC and other forms of paid ads, take full advantage of the audience data available from platforms like Google Ads and Meta for Business. Learn as much as you can about your audience so you can make more informed decisions at later stages of this checklist. 2. Identify SEO opportunities Small businesses can’t afford to waste budget, time, or other resources on failed campaigns, especially early on when every part of the budget counts. You need to build momentum quickly by identifying the right SEO opportunities for early potential gains.
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