After completing the installation of Unity Hub

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After completing the installation of Unity Hub

Post by maisha22141 »

Importantly, Unity supported a version of the JavaScript language called UnityScript, which was deprecated in 2017. Therefore, to learn game development with Unity for Android or any other platform, the best choice is C# language. Of course, it is possible to use other programming languages ​​such as C/C++ or even Rust and Lua in this game engine, but for special cases and indirectly! Unity installation steps for Android game development In the past, in an article, we have fully described the installation steps of this game engine.

Here we briefly explain these steps. Guide to installing Mayotte Email List Unity on Windows First, you need to download and install Unity Hub. To install this program , visit the official Unity website at . Go to the bottom of the page and select Get Unity in the Download section. In the opened page, select and download the version corresponding to the operating system you are using from the left box. If needed, you can download Unity from Yafet98 website. After downloading Unity Hub, disable your internet connection and antivirus and run Unity Hub.


At first, a box will open asking you to agree to the terms and conditions of the program. Select the I Agree option. On the next page, select the software installation location and click Next and then Install and wait for the program to be installed completely. After installation, disable Run Unity Hub option and select Finish. open the Unity Setup file and in the opened window, activate the Accept option. On the next page, click Next, and after that, you will be asked to choose the installation location of the Unity game engine.
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