Take advantage

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Take advantage

Post by whatsapp1 »

B) The Video
Video is the most popular format online . 64% of buyers are ready to take action by ordering online after watching a video from a brand. Additionally, a Facebook video has on average 135% higher organic reach than a photo.

of this to give a boost to your advertising campaigns!

C) The Carousel
The carousel allows you to display a maximum Belize Email List of 10 photos within a single ad. The advantage is the possibility of adding a link to each photo, which allows you, for example, to present a range of products/offers from your brand in a single ad.


Remember, however, that online advertising does not necessarily mean transposing your display campaign onto the internet.
Via YouTube
Youtube (which belongs to...Google) is clearly a vector of influence that should not be overlooked with more than 2.2 billion users and also allows you to distribute your online advertisements.

Good to know on YouTube, the average visibility of ads is 95%. Let's see the different ad formats that exist:

A) The graphic ad
Display video ads typically appear to the right of the video being watched and above the list of suggested videos.
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