Use Google Search Console to do content pruning

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Use Google Search Console to do content pruning

Post by sanjidamoyna934 »

Bonus: Use Google Search Console to do content pruning In some cases, the best SEO optimization you can do is to find pages that are not doing any good for you. I am quite brutal in that respect, and I usually like to delete pages that: are obsolete and basically dead (no traffic, few impressions for irrelevant queries) are low quality and are not in line with the entire website (some old guest posts) are not factually correct or factually verified pages that have been there for years but do not have any high keyword rankings or whose search performance is poor at best Actually, I was able to give one lawyer site a new life after I removed 1500+ blog posts that were many years old, that had never been optimized, and that ranked for nonsense keywords.

I removed all the nonsense and kept only New Caledonia Email List the blog posts and web pages that actually (in my opinion) were worth optimizing and targeting at specific keywords. I returned 404 or 410 for everything else. Results after content pruning on a lawyer site Of course, you need to be extremely careful and strategic if you decided to remove pages. If you don’t know what you are doing, you may kill your website.


Keep in mind this recent post from John Mueller: What to do with web pages selected for pruning However, if you are 100% certain that you have identified the pages that should be pruned, I recommend doing one of the following: Delete those pages and return status 404 or 410 Create a new page that actually exhausts the topic and publish it either on the same URL or on a new URL with a 301 redirection from the old one (if the old one has some high-quality relevant backlinks) If you are not 100% positive about whether to keep or kill a given blog post or web page, keep it! Final words of wisdom on using Google Search Console for keyword research I hope that you really learned a lot from this blog post.
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