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American Airlines to create a system

Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 4:50 am
by JannatMimHM0
You can also use Accurate Online for free for days via the link in the image below: Electronic Money: History, Best Electronic Money and How It Works by Ibn | Jan , Electronic Money: History, Best Electronic Money and How It Works source envato. Electronic money is digital money that we often use today and which the Indonesian people could not enjoy a dozen years ago. But looking at current developments, especially for those of you who live in big cities like Jakarta, e-money is very necessary.

This form of electronic money, which is like an ATM card, is very flexible, because it can be used for various important daily transactions, such as buying fuel, paying toll road fees and shopping at minimarkets. History of Romania Phone Number Electronic Money in the World The electronic money that we know today, turns out to have an interesting historical story to listen to. Its development apparently started in the s.


At that time, the computer company IBM had collaborated with called SABER ( Semi automatic business research environment ). The goal is to connect telephone network terminals to American airlines offices . Apart from that, by connecting this system, it is also possible to check departures and seat availability on planes online . All these transactions can then be paid using a credit card. Furthermore, in the s, banks in America and Europe used mainframe computers to be able to track transactions at each branch and other banks.