It is in response to those

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It is in response to those

Post by aburaihan8747 »

Maintaining public assets and infrastructure is one of the most important and difficult tasks that government does. Fielding a team of Azteca Cityworks, GIS and ECM software ensures that the importance and complexity of this work is met with the best solution possible. And, it is the teaming of these applications that can truly make a solution that can take care of important public assets.

This is a video I have promised to do for some time. who won’t even consider social technologies with their organizations – now or in the future. I have heard about all of the excuses – and for Sweden Phone Number the most part I don’t buy any of them. They range from “Our culture won’t support it” to “It is a waste of my time” to “We have better things to focus on.”


It’s like saying, “This new thing called the phone is nifty and all, but we don’t need it.” You don’t know it yet – but yes you do. And eventually it will come. The question is, when will you allow it.
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