Involve the person or persons needed

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Involve the person or persons needed

Post by 00chandonat »

It is essential that the data strategy matches the company's strategy.

Example : at a medium-sized wholesaler, the marketing team Turkey Phone Number up with all kinds of applications for upselling to the existing customer group. Later it turned out that the business strategy showed that most potential value creation had to come from growth with new customers. This strategy leads to completely different data requirements.


Make sure you have a sponsor at the right level in the organization. to obtain budgets, support and/or clear obstacles. But also choose the right moment.

Example : at a retail organization, the new data vision was immediately presented to the management, which generated a lot of enthusiasm. This may go down well, but here the great ambition backfired. The management expected that progress and business value would be realized quickly. When this did not happen, the attention disappeared for a number of years.

Spend enough time on an action plan and always ask yourself who you are doing it for. We believe more in having the right team of people with a clear vision or dream. This could, for example, be for a period of a year and then be reduced in periods of 2 or 3 weeks.

Example : ANWB's data-driven marketing approach is a good example of this. For Lisette Gouda of the ANWB, the success factors of this successful introduction included an agile approach, ' think big and act small ' and a 'fail fast' culture . She explains this in the DDMA Podcast: Shaping the Future.
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