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lets transfer this experience

Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 6:43 am
by mdjilhok01
To understand why brands will approach the metaverse, we can compare it to social networks as we know, and use, them today. Users log in, interact with their friends, family, and thirdparty environments, and in the course of these interactions, encounter brands, view ads, consume sponsored content, and encounter different calls to action that generate engagement with brands.

Over time, these social networks have evolved and users can now Zambia Email List buy products at that moment and without leaving the environment. We buy online, on the current network, and receive the products directly at our home. If this is easy to understand and imagine, because we have seen and lived it, to virtual reality environments.


Thus, the metaverse could have D stores where you not only see ads, but you can also try on clothes or see the products almost in real life, interact with them and make purchase decisions in the moment. . How advertising will work in the metaverse There are two ways to look at the metaverse opportunity in advertising.