I think some of the latest data we've seen suggests

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[email protected]
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I think some of the latest data we've seen suggests

Post by [email protected] »

We just looked at some data on this. that in a local context, up to a third of a searcher's decisions are influenced by whether their review exists or not. I think it's important to understand this. The other part of our research is, if you just think about the local search experience, whether you're on a mobile device or another device, in almost every case, whether it's the list view native package itself, or whether it's in the traditional In the blue link structure, comments are a key component of these results. Mike Brown is right. John you are right that no one is equally good at all of these things. You will excel at some of these things and you will rely on them more directly or more often on some of them but you’re trying to develop others. As you said the people around you whether it's organizationally or more informally you know you have gaps but others can step in and help fill those gaps and help you create success but it's important to create success for them create growth for them Chance.

If you just focus on those as well, you'll find that you're looking at businesses that have good reviews, both in terms of numbers and strong in terms of stars and ratings. Although, well, I don't have a direct signal that I can cite and say, yes, that's true. All these tea leaves coming together seem to indicate that this is an important factor Faroe Islands Email List then there is a question you didn't mention so I will ask one more. Because I’d love to hear your thoughts on the creative leadership role that exemplifies servant leadership. I'd love to hear how I think I know what the flip side of it is but I'd love to hear how you apply it. Mike Brown Yeah I think for a lot of people I think it's kind of a classic command and control leader where he articulates the direction and the vision and then everybody follows that.


John Jentsch Yes. I think a lot of people we work with get thrown off at times, and there are a lot of examples that I can't answer. I think this comes back to your point, maybe it's not that competitive of an industry, but there are plenty of examples where someone could enter a search term with obvious local intent and there would be some company you've never heard of that doesn't have a review . I think I grew up under leaders who were more open to the idea that we needed to work together to achieve this vision. You know what, someone on the team even if they might be the most junior person can help shape that or have insights that can change that in a substantive way.
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