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Phases of the purchasing process

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 10:41 am
by PrisilaPM
A platform like Hubspot, for example, has macro modules inside marketing , within which the awareness and lead generation phase can be managed through forms, landing pages, email marketing and obviously marketing automation. sales , within which the sales department can access the information collected on that particular lead and consult it before contacting him. This section is designed for managing the lead relationship with lifecycle stage management and for managing sales pipelines and forecasting . customer service , within which it is possible to manage the customer after the purchase through one to one communication, a ticketing system and for example a customer satisfaction and loyalty evaluation system called NPS Net Promoter Score . Straddling these functions is the CRM which keeps track, contact by contact, of all the interactions had with the company's touchpoints, so that each department marketing.

Sales and after sales is always updated on the progress of the photo editing servies relationship. Between CRM and the functions there are marketing automation and sales automation , software functions that help contact management through the automation of external processes and communication functions such as email marketing and social media management internal processes such as the passage of a lead from marketing to sales or lead scoring which weighs every digital action of each contact and assigns it a grade that differentiates.


A "hot" lead to be called immediately from a cold lead which must yet to be hired backend processes, such as changing the status of a lead for example from subscriber to lead or from marketing qualified lead to sales qualified lead or internal alerts based on certain events.Finding new customers in B B Account Based Marketing and Selling July , Finding new customers in B B Account Based Marketing and Selling A structured, persistent and long term approach to the market suitable for B B companies that cannot afford to wait for customers.