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Sends a reminder to such a customer

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 4:54 am
by rahatx20zyz
Some users will not like this kind of disruptors . Be careful not to attack them too often which will annoy your audience. However you can regulate the display of pop ups by for example setting appropriate cookies. Then for people who clicked on the cross and closed the window you can set a pop up that will be displayed only in a week. In turn for subscribers to your newsletter you can completely disable its display. Be careful with pop ups that appear on mobile devices. Google is about to penalize sites that use too many pop ups on a small smartphone screen where closing them becomes even more intrusive and irritating.

In fact if you have the choice of using pop ups on mobile and not doing it I advise you to choose the second solution. You can create a pop up in the FreshMail form creator. However here too you need to pay attention to a few things. First of whatsapp mobile number list all limit the display of the pop up to one user you can easily set it in the wizard. Someone who does not want to subscribe to the newsletter will certainly not have it by going to another subpage and the next. I suggest limiting it to or possibly . Secondly don't attack your audience with a pop up right after entering the site. It is better to wait a few seconds so that he can read the content of the site or for example display a pop up when the visitor intends to close the page he goes to the bookmarks in the browser.


The window close button should be in the upper right corner where you intuitively look for the x. You can learn more about how to set up a form in FreshMail from the dedicated page and guide . Landing page To collect an audience base it's good to have where to collect it. Such a landing page is an ideal and basic place to place a subscription form. When preparing an effective landing page you need to pay attention to several issues. Heading It should be catchy and eye catching. Remember that this is the first content that the visitor will see so emphasize the most important benefits of achieving the goal purchase download of an e book or indicate the features of the product itself.