The expert predicts that public financing sources

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The expert predicts that public financing sources

Post by SaifulIslam005 »

A growing evolution is expected in the use of disintermediation platforms,” says Fernández Laguna. Low interest rates “The firms that set the trend each year aim for with low interest rates,” says Fernández Laguna. will prioritize a recovery of essential assets, leaving few possibilities for the rest of the sectors, which will have to look for alternative sources of capital.

We will witness, according to experts, a process of Ethiopia Email List certain 'deglobalization', concentrating efforts on the markets of origin Artificial Intelligence and Big Data on the rise To a large extent, will be much of what could not be, as many developments and events have had to wait. Thus, applications based on Big Data , Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence will continue to occupy space in the specialized press, and next year we will be able to see if the forecasts we made for were correct.


Closer to G "We will also experience the approach to G, increasing the speed of data transmission," predicts the expert. The latest of our trends in finance is this increase in connectivity, which favors the content most dependent on good transmission, video, which continues to be the king of content, increasingly focused on mobile media. And these contents, increasingly, are supported by communication through Influencers , another of the keys of , essential in campaigns focused on young audiences.
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