A virtual format rather than

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A virtual format rather than

Post by bappy10 »

You can unsubscribe from emails at any time. All rights reserved Girls in Marketing Limited All rights reserved Girls in Marketing Limited from emails at any time. How to deal with being a digital marketing student during the pandemic One of the many aspects Covid has impactedThe is education. We are all adjusting to many changes especially students attending University Here at Girls in Marketing we want to inform you about some of the changes in Uni life so you know what to expect when returning. Some are even beneficial to your learning environment Heres how to deal with being a digital marketing student during the pandemic. Online learning Being surrounded by your peers in in person can feel a bit strange at first but online lectures do have many benefits.

The main one is you dont have to get up and travel. This allows students to study at home save travel costs and have extra time after their alarm goes off Online lectures will vary depending on what University you attend and which subject you study. Some may have live lectures and seminars prerecorded or a mix of the two. Live lectures allow you to keep on top of your work and get Jordan Phone Number that extra support as you can usually ask questions right then and there. Prerecorded lectures can be valuable and allow you to take in information at your pace so key information is not missed.


You can complete them in your own time just remember to stay on top of them. With studying online ensure you take regular breaks when you can and step away from your screen. Keep hydrated too as this will help you focus. This will help to ensure you look after your mental health first. University is a lot quieter than usual Before and after lockdown its a strange experience adapting to social distancing and wearing masks but on top of that we still need to focus on our University work. Classes will reduce in size but hey you get a desk all to yourself and get more of a personal teaching experience. All Universities have different restrictions but if you can visit campus make sure to take advantage.
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