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Find friends who regularly read comics

Post by R19ns156 »

Hire a Pro Browse Lulu's collection of professional designers, editors, and marketers to help you publish like a pro! Find a Partner 3. Script Pick your characters and story outline and use them to guide your script writing. Focus on the dialogue and add scene description and action as needed. Don’t spend too much time thinking about the scenario, though—this conversation is certainly not a final draft.

Once you have your script, edit it. Find a professional editor who Customer Phone Number List specializes in screenplays or comics.Graphic novels. Clean and clear the script as much as possible.


How to Make a Graphic Novel You've got a polished script - now it's time to start storyboarding! I really like storyboarding with paper and pencil, but there are lots of great digital options too. The important thing is to have your scripts (and actions/directions) mapped out in a "panel" format.
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